The following are a series of flashcards that list the root words associated with body parts. Each word root is explained with a word example and a breakdown.
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Acr/o is a combining form for "extremity", "height" or "tip end".
Example Word: acr/o/megaly
Word Breakdown: Acr/o refers to the "extremities", -megaly is a suffix that pertains to "enlargement".
Definition: An acromegaly is an enlargement of the bones of the extremities, face, and jaw caused by an overactive pituitary gland.
Brachi/o is a combining form for "arm".
Example Word: brachi/algia
Word Breakdown: Brachi is a word root that refers to "arm", -algia is a suffix that pertains to "pain".
Definition: The condition known as brachialgia is characterized by pain in the arm.
Carp/o is a combining form for "wrist".
Example Word: meta/carp/al
Word Breakdown: Meta- is a prefix that means "behind", carp is a word root that pertains to "wrist", -al is a suffix that means to "pertaining to".
Definition: The metacarpal bones are in the hands, between the phalanges of the fingers and the wrist bones.
Celi/o or abdomin/o is a combining form for "abdomen".
Example Word: celi/ac
Word Breakdown: Celi is a word root that pertains to "abdomen", -ac is a suffix that means "pertaining to".
Definition: The condition of celiac disease is a long-term digestive and immune disease characterized by damage to the small intestine.
Cephal/o is a combining form for "head".
Example Word: cephal/algia
Word Breakdown: Cephal is a word root that pertains to "head", -algia is a suffix that refers to "pain".
Definition: Cephalalgia is the medical term for headache.
Cervic/o or trachel/o is a combining form for "cervix" or "neck".
Example Word: cervic/o/crani/al
Word Breakdown: Cervic/o in this example pertains to "neck", crani is a word root for "skull" or "cranium", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to".
Definition: Cervicocranial is a term used to describe issues related to the neck and the cranium.
Dactyl/o is a combining form for "finger" or "toe".
Example Word: poly/dactyl/y
Word Breakdown: Poly- is a prefix that means "many", dactyl is a word root that pertains to "finger" or "toe", -y is a suffix that refers to "condition".
Definition: A polydactyly is a condition in which one or more fingers or toes are present on either the hand or the foot.
Gnath/o is a combining form for "jaw".
Example Word: dys/gnath/ia
Word Breakdown: Dys- is a prefix that means "bad", gnath is a word root that pertains to "jaw", -ia is a suffix that refers to "condition".
Definition: Dysgnathia is the malformation of the jaw.
Gon/o is a combining form for "genitals".
Example Word: gon/o/rrhea
Word Breakdown: Gon/o pertains to "genitals", -rrhea is a suffix that refers to "flow; discharge".
Definition: Sexually transmitted gonorrhea affects the genital and urinary tracts and causes pus to discharge.
Lapar/o is a combining form for "abdominal wall" or "flank".
Example Word: lapar/o/scopy
Word Breakdown: Lapar/o pertains to "abdominal wall", -scopy is a suffix that means "examination".
Definition: Using laparoscopy, surgeons can examine the inside of the abdomen and pelvis without making long incisions.
Lumb/o is a combining form for " lumbar region(lower back)".
Example Word: lumb/o/sacr/al
Word Breakdown: Lumb/o pertains to "lumbar region", sacr is a word root that pertains to "sacrum", -al is a suffix that means "pertaining to".
Definition: The term lumbosacral refers to the lumbar and sacral regions of the back, including the small of the back and the back of the pelvis.
Om/o is a combining form for "shoulder".
Example Word: om/o/hyoid
Word Breakdown: Om/o pertains to "shoulder",and hyoid refers to "hyoid bone".
Definition: Omohyoid muscle pulls down on the hyoid bone. It is a muscle connecting the upper shoulder with the upper neck.
Omphal/o is a combining form for "umbilicus (navel)".
Example Word: omphal/ectomy
Word Breakdown: Omphal is a word root that pertains to "navel", -ectomy is a suffix that refers to "surgical removal".
Definition: An omphalectomy is the surgical removal of the navel.
Onych/o is a combining form for "nail".
Example Word: chrom/onych/ia
Word Breakdown: Chrom- is a prefix that means "color" or "pigment", onych is a word root that pertains to "nail", -ia is a suffix that refers to "condition".
Definition: An abnormality in the color of the nails is called chromonychia.
Ot/o is a combining form for "ear".
Example Word: ot/o/scope
Word Breakdown: Ot/o pertains to "ear", -scope is a suffix that refers to "instrument used for viewing or examination".
Definition: The otoscope is a type of diagnostic instrument that is used to examine the eardrum and inner ear.
Periton or peritone/o is a word root and combining form for "peritoneum".
Example Word: intra/peritone/al
Word Breakdown: Intra- is a prefix that means "inside" or "within", peritone is a word root for "peritoneum", -al is a suffix that means to "pertaining to".
Definition: The term intraperitoneal refers to the space within the cavity of the peritoneum.
Ped/i or pod/o is a combining form for "foot".
Example Word: pod/iatry
Word Breakdown: Pod is a word root that pertains to "foot", -iatry is a suffix that refers to "specialty".
Definition: The specialty of podiatry treats disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity through medical and surgical means.
Steth/o or thorac/o is a combining form for "chest".
Example Word: steth/o/scope
Word Breakdown: Steth/o pertains to "chest", -scope is a suffix that refers to "visual examination instrument".
Definition: To determine a person's level of cardiovascular health, a stethoscope measures sounds inside the body, usually in the chest.
Thel/o is a combining form for "nipple".
Example Word: thel/arche
Word Breakdown: Thel is a word root that pertains to "nipple", -arche is a suffix that refers to "beginning".
Definition: Thelarche begins adult breast development, marks the beginning of puberty.
Trachel/o or cervic/o is a combining form for "cervix" or "neck".
Example Word: trachel/o/plasty
Word Breakdown: Trachel/o pertains to "cervix", -plasty is a suffix that refers to "surgical repair or reconstruction".
Definition: Tracheloplasty is the surgical repair or reconstruction of the cervix.
Trich/o is a combining form for "hair" or "hair-like structure".
Example Word: hyper/trich/o/sis
Word Breakdown: Hyper- is a prefix that means "high" or "above normal", trich/o pertains to "hair", -sis is a suffix that refers to "condition".
Definition: Hypertrichosis is the condition of excessive body hair.
Cheil/o or chil/o is a combining form for "lip".
Example Word: cheil/itis
Word Breakdown: Cheil is a word root that pertains to "lip", -itis is a suffix that refers to "inflammation".
Definition: Cheilitis is the inflammation of the lips.