6.2: Deadlock Detection and Prevention

Most current operating systems cannot prevent deadlocks. When a deadlock occurs, different operating systems respond to them in different non-standard manners. Most approaches work by preventing one of the four Coffman conditions from occurring, especially the fourth one. Major approaches are as follows.

Ignoring deadlock

In this approach, it is assumed that a deadlock will never occur. This is also an application of the Ostrich algorithm. This approach was initially used by MINIX and UNIX. This is used when the time intervals between occurrences of deadlocks are large and the data loss incurred each time is tolerable. Ignoring deadlocks can be safely done if deadlocks are formally proven to never occur.


Two processes concurring for two resources. A deadlock occurs when the first process locks the first resource at the same time as the second process locks the second resource. The deadlock can be resolved by cancelling and restarting the first process.

Under the deadlock detection, deadlocks are allowed to occur. Then the state of the system is examined to detect that a deadlock has occurred and subsequently it is corrected. An algorithm is employed that tracks resource allocation and process states, it rolls back and restarts one or more of the processes in order to remove the detected deadlock. Detecting a deadlock that has already occurred is easily possible since the resources that each process has locked and/or currently requested are known to the resource scheduler of the operating system. After a deadlock is detected, it can be corrected by using one of the following methods

  1. Process termination: one or more processes involved in the deadlock may be aborted. One could choose to abort all competing processes involved in the deadlock. This ensures that deadlock is resolved with certainty and speed. But the expense is high as partial computations will be lost. Or, one could choose to abort one process at a time until the deadlock is resolved. This approach has high overhead because after each abort an algorithm must determine whether the system is still in deadlock. Several factors must be considered while choosing a candidate for termination, such as priority and age of the process.
  2. Resource preemption: resources allocated to various processes may be successively preempted and allocated to other processes until the deadlock is broken.

In the above image - there are 2 resources. Initially only one process is using both resources. When a second process attempts to access one of the resources, it is temporarily blocked, until the resource is released by the other process.. When 2 processes each have control of one resource there is a deadlock, as the process can not gain access to the other process it need to continue to process. Eventually, the one process is canceled, allowing the system to block the other resource and allow one of the processes to complete, which then frees up both resources for the other process.


Deadlock prevention works by preventing one of the four Coffman conditions from occurring.

(A) Two processes concurring for one resource, following a first-come, first-served policy. (B) A deadlock occurs when both processes lock the resource simultaneously. (C) The deadlock can be resolved by breaking the symmetry of the locks. (D) The deadlock can be avoided by breaking the symmetry of the locking mechanism.

In the above image notice the yellow line - if it is the same on both sides, a deadlock can develop (scenario A shows that one process gets there first. it is difficult to see in the gif - but that is why there is NOT a deadlock - first come - first serve). Watch - when the yellow lines, representing the locking mechanism, are different on each side then we have a method to break the deadlock and allow the left side process tom complete and freeing up the resource for the right and resource to complete.

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