Equity Compensation at Private Firms: How to Compete for Executive Talent

Private companies, including closely held and family-owned businesses, often find it difficult to attract and retain key management personnel. That's because executive talent is often lured away by publicly held companies offering company stock (equity) as a key component of total compensation packages. While the equity in a private company cannot be traded on a stock exchange and may not otherwise be marketable, there are various means by which private companies can provide long-term equity incentives that may also be liquid investments for employees.

The top concerns for the private company employer/business owner (i.e., the principal security holder) are giving up control and having to account to minority shareholders in managing the business. However, there are various means by which to provide long-term equity incentives to employees without ceding control to them.

This article summarizes how privately held companies can create long-term equity incentives for upper management while maintaining control over the ownership of the company. There are tax, legal and accounting implications for each of the compensation alternatives described below, and while some of these are noted, it's prudent to consult with a professional adviser to ensure that long-term equity compensation programs are designed properly to meet company goals.

Benefits of Equity Compensation

Most publicly held companies have three primary compensation elements: salary, annual bonus and long-term equity compensation (e.g., stock options or restricted stock awards). On the other hand, smaller private companies find it hard to recruit top-level management talent, as they typically do not offer the third element, long-term equity compensation. By offering equity compensation, a private company (i) provides an incentive for employees to perform in the best interest of the company, (ii) preserves capital by paying lower cash compensation, and (iii) can compete for talent with larger companies by holding out the prospect of significant appreciation in the value of the equity. 1

Types of Long-Term Equity Incentives

There are several long-term compensation tools that can be used to meet the goals and demands of the security holders of a closely held business. These may include any of the following:

Type of Award



Stock Options

Grants employees the right to purchase equity (stock) in the company at a predetermined exercise price during a set time period in the future.

Provides an incentive for employees because options allow them to benefit from the increase in value of the company. Also provide some liquidity to the company upon exercise.

Restricted Stock Awards

A grant of stock, which may be subject to forfeiture if certain future conditions are not met (e.g., continued employment for a period of time or achievement of certain performance goals such as revenue or net income).

Provides an incentive to employees, and helps to retain employees if accompanied by a forfeiture provision.

Equity Bonuses

Performance bonuses paid in the form of equity instead of cash.

Provides an incentive to employees to meet performance goals while minimizing cash outlays by the company.

Stock Purchase Plans

Permits employees to purchase equity in the company at a discount to fair market value.

Provides an incentive to employees by allowing them to participate in the growth of the company, while providing the company with some liquidity.

Stock Appreciation Rights (SARs)

Entitles employees to receive cash or stock in an amount equal to the excess of the fair value of the company’s equity on the date of exercise over the exercise price, which is typically equal to the fair value of the company’s equity on the date of grant.

Provides employees with the same financial gain as would a comparable stock option, without requiring a cash outlay upon exercise. Thus provides an incentive to employees and serves to retain them. If settled in cash, SARs will not give up any control of the company.

Phantom Stock Units

Entitles employees to receive cash or stock in an amount equal to the value of an equivalent number of shares of stock, or the appreciation in value of an equivalent number of shares of stock since the date that the units were awarded, upon the occurrence of one or more predetermined events (e.g., a change in control of the company, retirement at or after age 65, etc.).

Similar to SARs, but realization of value is tied to the occurrence of an event rather than the employee’s unilateral election.

The long-term incentives described above can be replicated to varying degrees if the company is a limited liability company or a partnership rather than a corporation.

Companies typically alleviate employees’ liquidity concerns by providing that the company or its security holders will repurchase any shares upon certain triggering events, such as demand by employees after a certain time period has elapsed or termination of employment in certain instances.

Employer Concerns

Several practical issues arise in connection with issuing equity to employees, including: (i) diluting current owners, which could reduce their control over management of the company; (ii) ensuring that the equity is not transferred to third parties who are not affiliated with the company or may not share the same views on the direction of the company; (iii) valuing a security that is not publicly traded; and (iv) funding the company’s repurchase of shares. These matters are discussed in more detail below.

Legal, Tax and Accounting Issues

The type of equity incentive, the type of payments and the persons who are offered these incentives will be influenced by various legal, tax and accounting laws. An overview of some of the more common issues is included below, but it is advisable to consult with legal, tax and accounting professionals to ensure that all laws and regulations are complied with and a tax-efficient award is chosen for the benefit of the company and its employees.