The Office of the Registrar reports official enrollment information on a regular basis to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), a national database of student enrollment and degree information. All lenders (banks, student loan associations, Campus Partners, Sally Mae, etc.) are able to and should obtain student enrollment and deferment eligibility information by accessing the NSC website.
If you need further information or assistance, please email [email protected] .
Each month throughout a semester, the Registrar's Office reports student enrollment verifications to the NSC database for every enrolled student who has paid or confirmed their semester tuition bill. These reports are submitted on a regular basis during the semester, and this information does not require any action from the student once they have officially paid/confirmed for the current semester. The enrollment data is available for authorized lenders, insurance companies, employers, and students to access.
Students should use their MyInfo access to obtain an individual enrollment verification. Unofficial transcripts and class schedules may also be accessed and printed to accompany the enrollment verification.
The Office of the Registrar reports all degrees awarded at the end of each academic semester to the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). All lenders, employers, and recruitment agencies are able to and should obtain student degree information by accessing the NSC website.
Please complete the request form below and give specific instruction on what information you're needing verified.
Office of the Registrar
Montana State University
111 Montana Hall (campus map)
P.O. Box 172660
Bozeman, MT 59717-2660
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
Excludes University Holidays
Telephone: (406) 994-6650
Fax: (406) 994-1972
Email: [email protected]
Antoni Campeau