Gun Digest Book of Revolvers Assembly/Disassembly, 4th Edition

Instructions <a href=for taking apart a revolver" width="550" height="725" />

Gun Digest Book of Revolvers Assembly/Disassembly, 4th Edition

The Ultimate Desk Reference for Revolver Disassembly/Reassembly!

Shooters, gunsmiths and collectors alike will find the revised version of this handy revolver disassembly guide an essential reference for taking apart and putting back together today’s most popular models of revolvers for routine maintenance, cleaning and repair.

With an additional 19 new models of the most popular revolvers, derringers and single-shot handguns on the market, this comprehensive resource now covers 75 models and more than 150 variants!

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Now Includes Single-Shot Handguns And Even More Derringers!

Shooters, gunsmiths and collectors alike will find the revised version of this handy revolver disassembly guide an essential reference for taking apart and putting back together today’s most popular models of revolvers for routine maintenance, cleaning and repair.

Step-by-step instructions and clear photographs make it easy to disassemble and reassemble a wide range of modern and vintage revolvers, now expanded to include single shots and even more derringers! Author Kevin Muramatsu’s decades of gunsmithing experience shines through with practical tips that help you overcome disassembly/reassembly hurdles for each model — those tricky parts that can leave your handgun in pieces on the workbench.

What’s New In This Edition

Models added to this revised edition include:

Other Models Covered